Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (AW) is the next COD game developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be released on the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC on November 4. The game will be the first in the series to have a three year development cycle.
The futuristic exoskeletons in COD: AW give players new abilities like boost jumping, sliding, and dodging - the exosuits can also be upgraded with Exo Abilities, like cloaking and hovering. Customization options have also been tripled, for example the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Weapons have received a new Heavy Weapons class and there are over 350 custom guns in the game.
Advanced Warfare features an upgraded version of Black Ops 2's "Pick 10" system. With the new "Pick 13" system, players can choose their Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Scorestreaks as a part of their loadout, or skip them entirely and spend the points on other items. All the scorestreaks in the game can be upgraded to have new features, for example, the Turret killstreak can be upgraded to a rocket launcher or an energy weapon.
There are only 15 perks the game, but compared to Ghosts, they are more powerful on their own. Also due to the exosuits, some of the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Perks have been turned into Exo Abilities, which in turn makes the multiplayer more balanced and prevents overpowered loadouts.
All the COD: AW pre-orders will receive a bonus map called Atlas Gorge, which is a remake of Pipeline from Call of Duty 4. Sledgehammer Games has already confirmed that there will be four map packs released in 2015 and they will be included in the games Season Pass. Like with Ghosts, the Xbox platform will be getting all the new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multiplayer Maps one month before the PlayStation and PC versions.